Visit Word of Life

Meet Dr. Michael S. Parker
Dr. Michael S. Parker is the founder and senior pastor of Word of Life Church, the largest and fastest growing church in the history of Washington County. Having started with only one service at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Word of Life now has multiple campuses and hold eight different services each week.
As a believer of debt freedom and importance of being a great steward over what God has put in his hands, Dr. Parker has opened churches in the cities Sandersville, Dublin, Milledgeville, Warner Robins and Macon.
Dr. Parker is a Man of Action and believes that leadership start from the front. He is a Goal Setter and with God, accomplishes everything he sets out to do. Dr. Parker is always expanding the minds of the members and teaching them to be leaders in church as well as their communities.
Meet First Lady Parker
Most know Lady Tabitha Parker as the first lady of Word of Life Church. But beyond her call to the ministry pastored by her husband, Lady Parker is a mentor and an inspirational teacher.
Distinguished by her heart for women, respected for her wisdom, and recognized by her loving spirit, she pours into the women at Word of Life Church and her spiritual daughters with a tender, authentic affection.
How should I dress when I come to Word of Life Church?
Feel free to wear whatever you like as long as it’s respectful. Wear a light jacket or sweater because the temperature may be a little cooler for some.
Is there Bible Study at Word of Life Church?
We offer Wednesday Bible Study, called Believers Service, at each of our locations. We also offer Noon Day Bible Study on Wednesday at 12 noon in Sandersville, GA. They are designed for Christians to grow stronger in their walk with the Lord. Dr. Parker believes that all serious Saints will attend Wednesday Believer’s services at the time and location of their choice.
What shall I do during Praise and Worship?
During our time of Praise and Worship, those who are physically able, should stand in honor of God, He’s worthy! Open your mind and heart to the singing done by the Choir and/or Praise Team and join in by singing, clapping your hands or lifting your hands in worship! Allow yourself to be moved by the spirit in your own way…He IS worthy!
Can I expect services to start at the same time week after week?
We embrace “order and excellence” and ALWAYS start all services, at all locations, on time.
Are there rules for the Sanctuary?
In honor of God and to focus on the preached word, no food or drink should ever be brought into the sanctuary. Please no walking once service has started. We try to eliminate all distractions once the preached word is going forth.
How can I get CD’s and DVD’s of the Service?
DVD’s and CD’s are available after each service ~ Take advantage of it!
What are the Contact information for Word of Life?
Phone: 478-357-0192. Call anytime!
Twitter: @Wordoflife1212